Jade Warrior were a bit obscure to all except prog rock freaks like me. Essentially they were two or sometimes three fellas who played everything and they largely specialised in extended jazzy proggy instrumentals featuring guitars, flutes and keyboards. Sounds good already, doesn't it?
In 1970 they were signed to Vertigo and their early records are very collectable now as they didn't sell at all. In 1974 on Steve Winwood's recommendation they signed to Island and began to get a more expansive sound and grander concepts. This album is called Waves and is dedicated to 'the last whale.' It is sonic waves, I guess.
Winwood actually plays some Moog and piano on this - it's one single piece across the two sides as it takes us through dawn-lit countryside full of birdsong, downriver to the ocean, and out among the great whales. Yeah, it's really that far out.
This was not commercial music and the long tracks meant radio play was elusive, so it didn't chart. However, this is a USA copy so they must have had a deal across the pond via Island.
Anyway, as things usually do, it all slowly fell apart in the 80s but all of their records are worth getting hold of. Very nice vibe on all of them. I highly recommend Way of the Sun too. Very far out.