As you know, I’m a fan of all west coast psychedelic music of the late 60s. It is such a unique time in the history of rock n roll. A time before ‘rock’ was really a big industry and when boundaries were far more vague. There was no classic rock, indie rock or college rock. Just rock and that was often tinged with folk, jazz, blues. Any label you want to put on Jefferson Airplane just slides right off. They were everything and all at once, which is perhaps the essence of the best psychedelic music, given how one of the most common LSD and psilocybin experiences is that feeling that ‘everything is everything else.’
There’s no beating about the bush with Airplane. It is music made by people on drugs for people on drugs. You don’t have to be high to dig it, of course, but pretty much everyone who does, has been at one time or another. Crown of Creation is at the apex of that for me.
The whole record is like an acid flashback. It smells, it tastes of tripping. It sends you back into that headspace. The weirdness of Lather who is snorting the best licks in town. The spaced out left field oddity that is Triad. If You Feel’s sunlit reverb riff and its clarion call to ‘break China laughing’ is all wonderful. The title track is a manifesto for otherness. A marching song for Heads who wanted a future built on different principles. I was 7 in 1968 but I imagine if you were 17 this would’ve been quite profound. It shone a torch through the darkness of the straight world madness into the upland pastures of freakdom.
You are the crown of creation
You are the crown of creation
And you've got no place to go
Soon you'll attain the stability you strive for
In the only way that it's granted
In a place among the fossils of our time
In loyalty to their kind
They cannot tolerate our minds
In loyalty to our kind
We cannot tolerate their obstruction
Life is change
How it differs from the rocks
I've seen their ways too often for my liking
New worlds to gain
My life is too survive
And be alive for you
It feels and sounds almost like religious music. Holy and above and profound.
The album closes with the surging weirdness of The House at Pooneil Corners which somehow manages to be an aural recreation of that first surge when you’re coming up on hallucinogenic when suddenly you are on a higher plane and can feel the vibration of the molecules of existence. To listen to it sober is to be transported there again, to be taken through a door that never really closes once opened. Lyrically it is intense and rambling and incredibly emotional.
You and me we keep walkin' around and we see
All the bullshit around us
You try and keep your mind on what's going down
Can't help but see the rhinoceros around us
And you wonder what you can be
And you do what you can
To get bald and high
And you know I'm still goin' need you around
You say it's healing but nobody's feeling it
Somebody's dealing, somebody's stealing it
You say you don't see and you don't
You say you won't know and you won't let it come
Everything someday will be gone except silence
Earth will be quiet again
Seas from clouds will wash off the ashes of violence
Left as the memory of men
There will be no survivor my friend
Suddenly everyone will look surprised
Stars spinning wheels in the skies
Sun is scrambled in their eyes
While the moon circles like a vulture
Some stood at a window and cried
'One tear I thought that should stop a war
But someone is killing me'
That's the last hour to think anymore
Jelly and juice and bubbles, bubbles on the floor
Castles on the cliffs vanish
Cliffs like heaps of rubbish
Seen from the stars hour by hour
As splintered scraps and black powder
From here to heaven is a scar
Dead center, deep as death
All the idiots have left
The cows are almost cooing
Turtle doves are mooing
Which is why a poo is pooing
In the sun
It leaves you exhausted and elated in a way that few songs do. What an incredible record and more incredible still that such radical music got to #6 on the USA charts. It clearly connected to millions of synapses and vibrated many a pineal gland. If you’ve not played it in a while, do revisit it and for 40 minutes be transported.