Johnnys Rock Blogs
Knebworth Festival 1985
1985. Deep Purple are back - and so is rock at Knebworth.
1980 had seen...
Altamont Festival, Altamont Speedway, Livermore, Northern California. Saturday, December 6, 1969
Whether the events at Altamont marked the death of the hippy dream, as...
Knebworth Frestival 1974
This was the very first Knebworth - a one day festival on the grounds of...
Lincoln Folk Festival 1971
Held on Sat Jul 24, 1971 at Tupholme Manor Park, about 15 miles...
1st International Pop Event, Antwerp, Belgium 1969
Held on Sat Jun 21, 1969 at Sporthal Arena, Antwerp in Belgium, while...
Midwest Monster Peace Jubilee & Music Festival, Benton, Tennessee 1973
Just less than a month ahead of Labor Day weekend 1973, the Midwest Monster Peace...
Christmas on Earth Continued, London 1967
A truly spectacular event in London in 1967. “Christmas on Earth Continued” was...
Roskilde Festival 1974
The Roskilde Festival began in 1971 and still happens every year. It is...
Mississippi River Festival
The Mississippi River Festival was a summer outdoor concert series held from 1969-1980...
Isle of Wight and Atlanta Pop Festival - Triple Live Album
This is a great triple live album. released in 1971 it serves as a great...
Woodstock - A Dream Goes On Forever
CHAPTER ONE If you've seen the Woodstock movie, you'll have seen Michael Lang, one of...
Big Rock Pow-Wow '69
Big Rock Pow-Wow '69 took place on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 23, 24, and...